Innovative Circuits Engineering’s Failure Analysis group performs root cause analysis on a wide variety of integrated circuit devices.
We work with many different customers who manufacture devices which span the entire spectrum of semiconductor technology.
Level 1: External Visual Inspection
External visual inspection illustrating damaged resistors on a PCB.External visual inspection illustrating damaged resistors on a PCB.
Post reliability stress testing showing solder coarsening and solder stress cracking.
External visual inspection illustrating delamination between molding cap and substrate on a semiconductor package.
Level 2: Internal Visual Inspection
High compound microscope lenses
Internal visual optical inspection photos of a die following decapsulation.
Liquid crystal analysis is useful in detecting and characterizing thermal flow on semiconductor surfaces.
Level 3 Failure Analysis Services
Multi-purpose Bond Strength Testing
SEM / EDX Capability
Dye Penetrant (Dye/Pry) Test