Protocol Aware Engine – SOC TL
Adaptive Test and Flow Management
Functional and BIST / ATPG Tests
Parametric DfRT, Failure Time
Device ID
- Powered by ELES RETE for Augmented Stress and Test coverage with dedicated HW and SW Algorithms IPs to reach Zero Escape qualification
- Fast reaction to prevent thermal runaway and accurate thermal control to
- optimize thermal stress
- Inert thermal vector: No risk to damage electronic in case of leakages
- Controlled temperature in the oven in order not to stress the electronic
- components on board
- In-situ Test capabilities and extended data collection
- Purge with nitrogen or dry air to avoid DUTs oxidation
- Single device temperature control
- Automatic calculation of DUTs Equivalent Lifetime
- Large device observability and extended data collection
- Dedicated SW tools to support data interpretation

From Pass/Fail To Learn From Fail | Smart Qualification With Zero Escape | Manufacturing With 100% Yield
Test Platform (per test slot)
- 288 I/O channels - 20MHz Test Rate
- APG – Flexible algorithmic pattern generator
- 4GB on board pattern memory (512MV)
- On-fly pattern fast reloading
- Real time Monitoring and logging capability
- Voltage & Current measurement capability
Power Supply Platform (per test slot)
- 6 basic power supplies ±20V - 12.5A - 60W
- 1 High Current Power Supply: 3.2 KW
- Local on BIB Device Power Supply - per DUT
- Max # of DUT per BIB: up to 24 (>>96 DPS on BIB)
- Very fast Transient response, 10mV precision
- Current / Voltage measurement per single DPS
- Power sequence management
Thermal Platform (2 stacked chambers)
- 2 Temperature zones, 6 Test slots each
- Temperature range to 150°C High Temperature
Uniformity / Accuracy: ±3 °C - Fast Temperature gradient: 5° C /min with devices
turned off, thermal mass included - Programmable Logic Controller for oven control,
self diagnostic and facilities parameters logging - More than 2x20KW dissipated (*)
- Programmable setpoint during test
Local Temperature Control
- Single device temperature control