Burn-in Systems
The ‘Inspire 8160 HX’ system provides individual temperature control for medium to high power SOC and mixed signal devices up to 60W. It uses ‘thermal sockets’ (i.e. iSockets from Wells-CTI) and the well-established Incal’s XP-160 driver and its INSPIRE system software.
This system utilizes room temperature burn-in concept, which requires no thermal chamber, as thermal control is at the DUT level. Since the XP-160 /Inspire platform continues to be the main system architecture, all currently available burn-in system capabilities (drive and monitoring) and features are available for this system, including the ‘Analog Option’.
This burn-in solution addresses the increasing concern of power dissipation of high-power semiconductor devices, which can vary by up to 50%, due to variation in fabrication process. As a result, there is usually a large variation in temperature among the same type of devices in the normal HTOL burn-in chamber. In order to burn-in all devices at the same temperature, there is a need for individual ‘temperature control’ per DUT, which our new ‘Inspire 8160 HX’ System is specifically designed to provide.
Utilizing Incal standard Infinity style BIB format (dimensions: 12.32″ x 23.85″), we can offer up to 15 devices per BIB depending on the DUT power requirement. Each BIB has up to a total of 500 Watts and/or 480 Amps (depending on the core voltage) capability. The following illustrates our initial offerings using Wells-CTI Thermal Sockets:
The ‘Inspire 8160 HX Power Burn-In’ system is designed with great flexibility in mind. For customers with different lot sizes, it can be configured in 4 slot multiples, to a maximum of up to 32 slots (as standard). In terms of power sources, each BIB has a minimum of 13 main power supplies available for the DUTs.

Infinity 160 Channel Systems
With the state of the art burn-in systems we are able to provide customers with the following features:
Infinity 160 Channel System
Channel drives up to 160.
Systems are software driven for easy programming.
Drive speeds up to 10 MHz.
Memory depth up to 16 MEG.
Inputs tri-stateable.
Looping capability.
Complete monitoring capabilities.
Programmable temperature ranges with nitrogen capability.

Criteria V Systems
Channel drives up to 96.
Configured for 1:1, 4:1 and 8:1 back planes.
Burn-in vectors are EPROM programmable.
Driver boards are designed to test all types of devices.
High drive capabilities per channels.
System configured for up to 5 power supplies.
Complete flexibility.
Programmable temperature ranges with nitrogen capability

8160 System
The Inspire Burn-in System is mainly used for testing SOC & mixed signal IC’s. Every slot provides 144 I/O (96+ drive and up to 52 monitor channels), and 8 power supplies. This is system supports Incal’s 8160 style BIB. The standard is DS 2 x 8 slot system, though other options as well as Prescreen Stations are available.
BIB Format
8 Power Sources
144 Drive & Monitor
Option Module Analog 1
Inspire Application
4:1 Architecture